Friday 2 December 2011

Album Cover Analysis, 'Sex Pistols':

The Cd cover I am analysing is the Sex Pistol's album called 'Never mind the bollocks heres the...', I chose to do this particular cover as it is of the same genre as the song we have chosen to use for our music video, from the Punk/Rock genre. The cover resembles the genre very well as the swear word within the Cd name resembles the violent and controversial genre that is Punk/Rock. The album cover contains two colours; neon pink and neon yellow, the colours yet again resemble the genre of the music as Punk/Rock is very wild and 'out there' in conparison to genres such as pop for example. The lettering on the album cover is bold, this is very eye-cathing and grabs the attention of their target audience. To add to this, the lettering is very jumbled up and seems to have no order, yet again refecting the genre of music in which the album is from. The song listing on the back of the cover is also jumbled up and definitely has no order, this displays the out of control and mad characteristics of the band. This yet again fots with the Punk/Rock genre as bands from this specfic genre are stereotypically blunt, troublesome and cause controversy. Due to the fact that the album was released in the late 1970's during a time of trouble within Britain, when things such as rioting were taking place and there was controversy within government and the decisions that they were making, the songs featured on the album reflect the times. Songs such as 'Liar', 'Problems' and 'Anarchy in the UK' reflect this time period. Unlike the majority of albums, there are no images of the band on the cover of the album, this shows how the band is focused simply on thier music not focusing on star image or stereotypically focused on sex appeal or glamour similarly to other artists. Commonly on a Cd cover, the band or the artist is the main feature and takes up most of the cover with their picture, this however is not shown on this album, again displaying their controversial nature and the fact that they want to be different from other artists.
The booklet featured within the Cd cover is not very different to that shown on both the front and the back of the cover, the band have obviously deliberately done this in order to keep the same theme running throughout the album cover, with no extreme differences within the whole booklet.

1 comment:

  1. Here's my appreciation of that cover:
