Friday 2 December 2011


The CD cover does not comply with the typical punk rock characteristics of which you would expect to see on an album cover. It presents to us an image of the band, however, the writing on the cover is in pink, something you would expect to see on a female girl group album cover, not a 1970's punk bands. It is effective though as it is eye catching and unusual of the genre and would stand out in a shop. This album cover again deviates from the usual album cover as it is very basic, the background is white, the writing is pink and there is a simple image of the band. However, there is nothing else promoting the album on the front cover. This could be because the band are so iconic, that anyone familiar with the punk/rock genre will immediately know who the Ramones are and therefore their album cover does not need further explanation or promotion.

The lettering and font of the cover are typical of this genre. They aim to stand out and this album certainly supports that idea. Ramones are iconic and so do not need fancy font and lettering to sell their music, fitting with their basic and anarchic image that they displayed throughout their success. The lettering is also completely in capital letters (front and back cover) which again supports the anarchic style of the band.

The image on the cover again is basic. It is in black and white which shows the bands age as modern day bands would most likely use colour. As well as this, the way that the band are dressed was typical of Ramones and also reminds us of the bands genre. Their hairstyles and clothing clearly present to us the period of time that the photo was taken as many people dressed this way to show their identity. The way the band are standing shows their laid back personality and attitude towards music. This therefore would attract people who share these similar characteristics to the album. The front cover shows the front of the band and the back  cover cleverly shows the back of the band. Again, the back cover is in black and white which is effective as therefore the cover flows.

It is clear by looking at the front cover that they are a punk band. This is because of the perception that the cover gives off to the audience, it is clear through their clothing, hairstyles and by the way they stand that they are relaxed about their image. The type of people who would be interested in purchasing this album would most likely not be interested in the sex appeal that a Beyonce album cover for perhaps have for example. They are probably also not too bothered about the way the band looks which is why the band have opted for such a simple album cover.

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