Monday, 16 January 2012

Filming Five:

Today, we finished the last bits of filming we needed to do in order to complete our music video. The final shot we needed to get was of both David Cameron and Nick Clegg sitting on a bench in  a park reading the comic book, 'Where Wally?!'. In order to make our video comical, we had Ed Miliband playing the part of Wally and made it out as if both David and Nick are deperately lookinh for Ed Miliband. In order to make Ed Miliband look similar to Wally, we had him wearing a red and white stripy top to ensure that the audience knew who he was playing. Within this scene, David and Nick are sitting on the bench and Ed is hiding behind a tree behing the bench, pretending to be Wally. At the end, Ed comes from behind the tree and jumps out on the two politicians on the bench as they could not find him themselves. We are very pelased with our last filming session and are happy we have finally completed filming for our coursework.
Park Bench under Tree Wallpaper

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